Grounded 4 Life

Monday, September 11, 2006


To begin: I guess I was wrong about Dr. Will winning BB7 since Janelle evicted him in a fit of girl powah. Men should be very afraid when women congregate over a bottle of vino. It's dangerous what fermented grapes will do to women. Erica and Janelle found out about operation double date and summarily booted Dr. McDreamy. Now with Boogie and Erica left in the house I am throwing my virtual vote towards Erica. Sure she became overly emotional at points, and she became caught up in a showmance with Boogie, but I also think Erica has been playing this game at Dr. McDreamy levels from the start. She has really only been tainted once and that was when she had Danielle evicted otherwise she has hidden behind the powerful gates of Chill Town. Erica is slippery when wet and she spent a lot of time in the hot tub this summer, oh and let's not forget about the orgy showers between her, Boogie, Dreamy, and Janelle. Erica was right when she auf'd Chicken George or was it James... She is the only FLOATER in the house.

The psa for this blog is: beware of the nail polish that you choose because if you choose unwisely your parents will think that you have suddenly become a follower of satan aka marily manson. I was watching the mtv vmas last Thursday and I noticed all of the cool black tallons of some of my favorite fashionistas: jlo, jessica, fergie (just to name a few). I thought the black polish look was glam on those divas and addly reminiscent of the 1920s, so I decided to give myself a bit of that glam. I fished out some black nail polish that I had bought for Halloween a coupl of years back. I painted my nails, and since then I have not heard the end of it. First from my mother: Oh my gosh are your fingernails black! not the reaction I was hoping for, so I demured and made up a story about them being dark purple. It only got worse this weekend when I had to babysit my niece and nephew. My ever perceptive eight year-old niece also noticed my chosen nail polish color and demanded that I prove to her that it was in fact deep purple and not black polish and my sister was surprised at my nails too. They all think I've gone to the dark side. So, my peeps when you are in your room thinking of making a fashion statement grab the buff pink nail polish instead.

And now for the true purpose of this blog: Ch-Ch-Changes. I was propmpted to write this blog after a very strange week in my life and also a comical RollingStone Magazine article about my favorite musician John Mayer. So, I knew the article would be good when the cover read "John Mayer: Rock's Hot Soul Man." Finally, I thought JM would get a little recognition for his soulfulness rather than his poppy factor highlighted by his biggest hits "Your Body Is A Wonderland" and "Daughters". Boy was I surprised when the piece opened up with JM taking a hit off a pot vaporizer. OK, I thought, this article is going to be different. The article was different - touching on new aspects of JM like his forays into the stand-up arena and the fact that he moved to the left coast. A pretty good read because a lot of it I identified with as a 27 year-old. You know it's that time when you drink a glass of wine to enjoy it and not to get shit-faced drunk. I went to this JM message board after reading the article and some of the natives were getting restless. A lot of the fans were not comfortable with the side of JM revealed in the article. A couple of years ago JM was what some would call a straight edger. He said himself that he didn't drink or do drugs, so I think to a lot of fans to blatantly vaporize pot in front of an interviewer was a huge blow to his previous image. I get what they are saying and initially I also thought what a dumb ass for lighting up in front of the interviewer. But, as the week progressed I just thought so what? People change.

People change. Now, this resonates with me because I am currently dealing with that very situation in my very own life. My best friend is changing right before my eyes; morphing into this person that I am not sure that I am entirely comfortable with yet. At first I was pretty stressed out about it. I'm going through my own issues with living at home again and I kinda need my friends more than ever right now and it's hard when you feel one of your closest friends is abandoning you to hang out with the "cooler kids." Of course my first reaction was anger and resentment. But I realize that any anger that I have is just out of me feeling hurt. See, this is what happens when you don't have a serious boyfriend when you are 27; you form complicated relationships and codependencies with your bffs. Sex and The City never taught us this lesson. It was a hard week for me thinking about what had changed between us. I still don't know what has changed, but I know I'm not feeling like the victim anymore. I kinda let myself become a victim in the whole situation, but I've dusted myself off now and I'm ready to throw my attention towards neglected friends and mostly to myself:)


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