Grounded 4 Life

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Why Dr. McDreamy Should Win BB7

I know, I know; I am supposed to write psa blogs about why living with your parents after you are a fully cooked baked potato is wrong. Well, consider the fact that I abbreviate and blog about the CBS summer reality series Big Brother a warning to all those recent grads out there contemplating the move back home...

I'll admit it: i'm addicted to BB7. I really had no choice after america voted in Kaysar (grade A sensitive hottie), and the CBS executives put Dr. Will (grade A sinister hottie) back in the house. I will also admit that I am not just a casual watcher who tunes in only on Thusdays to watch the eviction. Oh no. I tune in three nights a week, and I go on to read "The Revenge of The house guest" blogs. I would get the 24/7 feed, but budget does not permit this. I even talk strategy with my friends. We have conversations in which we refer to these strangers as if they were our old high school/college friends. We have deep meaningful conversations about the product or lack there of in Will's hair.

I was hooked again from the start. Dr. Will is my favorite BB contestant of all time, and I've tuned in for every season. The fact that Will and Mike Boogie were unleashed on the public again just sealed the deal for me. Kaysar, Janelle, Howie, and James were all back from BB6. Marcellas and Danielle were back from BB3. Jase, Diane, and Nakomis were back from BB5. Erica and Allison were back from BB4 (this could only have been improved by putting Jun the winner of BB4 back in the house also). Oh, and Chicken George was back in the hizee from BB1 (My least favorite player; I don't like earnest people). This was a combustable mix of people. What with the upstanding (yet oh so hot) Kaysar in the same house as the intelligent but devious (yet equally hot) Dr. Will. I knew it was going down. I also assumed that the level of athleticism would be at an all time high with James, Jase, and pilates instructor Erica all thrown in. And let's not forget about Janelle. I love her and I hate her, but mostly I respect her. She wins every competition, but she lacks the devious nature of a true winner. See, that is why I love BB7. The people running the house (Boogie & Will) don't win competions, but they sure know how to manipulate the masses.

It has been said by other bloggers that this season of BB lacks the spice promised by putting past contestants back in the house. I disagree. This season is like revenge of the nerds. It's all about brains not brawn. Sure Boogie and Will are perceived as the cool kids who run Chilltown like Amanda Sheer Demme ran Teddy's and The Tropicana Bar, but understand that Will is a medical doctor and Boogie is a deft business man who has invested in some of the most profitable hot spots in L.A.. Translation these guys are smart, wise, and expert manipulators. Operation Double Date is genius. And who do we find in the final four: Dr. Will, Janelle, Boogie, and Erica. It is telling that arguably the most physical player (Jase) was evicted really early on. The fact that Dr. Will came into the BB7 house as the only previous winner and he is still there poised to win again gives him my vote. And, if I compound this with the fact that he has not won any competitions it is just mind boggling. He is a snake charmer. McDreamy has been singlehandedly responsible for 98% of the evictions that have gone down this season. I'm gonna say Allison did herself in; she started playing the game just a little too quickly. But Will and Boogie have run this house from the start. First they started by attacking floaters, then they let the BB6 alliance implode, next was the Legion of Doom fiasco (sorry James), and now with their contingency plan Operation Double Date working out so well (bye-bye Erica and Janelle).

To be fair Boogie has been with McDreamy the whole time. They have been plotting together, and Will has said that he is playing this for Mike Boogie, but Boogie is not on Will's level as evidenced by Howie's reaction to being voted out. The genuis of Will is that he gets away with lying to your face and the person getting evicted just takes it like a winner. These people see it as an honor to get evicted at the hands of Will. Boogie doesn't command that same respect. Howie had a coniption when he was evicted. He and Mike Boogie had a confrontation. James gets done in by his LOD alliance member Dr. Will and he practically thanks him. James tells Julie Chen that he is happy that he went down by the hands of Dr. Will (wtf!) Sorry Boogie I know you've worked hard with Will, but until you are on the level where people thank you for evicting them I've gotta throw my Support towards the one and only Dr. McDreamy aka Will Kirby.


Blogger Unknown said...

LOL, Kay-Kay. I love Dr. Will. I keep forgetting when Big Brother is on. I've seen a couple of Thursdays, but most of the time I've missed it. From what I did see, Will was my favorite. Probably also because I've only seen BB2. I've never seen any of the other players before, though I did like Danielle from a few of the episodes that I DID see. I would not be surprised and indeed I would be quite pleased if Dr. Will won. It's so sad. I'm into spirituality and integrity in my personal life, yet I like the most dishonest character on the show! LOL.

3:22 PM  

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